SOP for the creation of Tissue Micro Arrays (TMAs)


This document describes the steps required at the Tissue Research Group to create TMAs using the TMA Grand Master.

  1. Check that the shape of the tissue in the paraffin block and the section on the slide match. When creating the TMA, the digital section, the so-called Whole Slide Image, and a photo of the paraffin block (donor block) must be superimposed. In order to be able to do this smoothly, it must be ensured that the two images have enough similarity to be able to be overlaid correctly by non-pathologists.
  2. Please place all slides next to the corresponding block on a transport tray.
  3. List the file names to be used when scanning the slides in a spreadsheet (e.g. LibreOffice Calc or Microsoft Excel). The file names must not contain any spaces or special characters.
  4. Please save the spreadsheet on a hard disk and bring it with the blocks and the slides to the office (ADM 4th floor).
  5. The slides will be scanned in the ZMF laboratory. When all slides have been scanned, you will receive the files (Whole Slide Images) and additionally an installation file of the software "SlideViewer" (3DHISTECH Ltd., Hungary) and the "SlideViewer" manual on the hard disk.
  6. Instructions on how to create the annotations for the TMAs can be found in the manual (page 36 - Annotations TMA). After the annotations have been made on the images, please return the hard disk to the office (ADM 4th floor).
  7. All preparatory steps are now completed and the TMAs can be created by the Tissue Research Group. You will receive back the completed TMA blocks and a spreadsheet with the block information on your hard drive.

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